SPP Technology Unity3D Package for Virtual Reality and WM

The proprietary SPP data format, which has been reduced to a minimum, is ideal for use with large 3D CAD Assemblies in VR, AR and MR devices. CAD Software Solutions offers a Unity3D toolkit for Microsoft HoloLens and WMR developers and users. In addition to the highly automated CAD data preparation for HoloLens/WMR in Autodesk Inventor, the ready-to-use Unity3D libraries are also available for HoloLens/WMR developers with functions such as:

  •     Data download from the server to the HoloLens/WMR App
  •     Load the CAD model into a HoloLens/WMR scene
  •     direct access to the assembly structure
  •     direct access to metadata as well as subassembly and component properties
  •     Load and view selected subassemblies and components
  •     Showing and hiding subassemblies and components
  •     Zoom and Orbit functions
  •     Selection of subassemblies and individual parts
  •     etc.

This unique combination of highly automated CAD data preparation and tools for the Unity3D developer environment takes over 90% of programming from HoloLens/WMR applications. Developers can focus on the GUI features of their app – everything else is ready for use.

Demo-Video Unity3D-Package How To Use

With SPP Toolkit prepared CAD Assemblies seen with Microsoft HoloLens: